4 ways women in aged care can make friends and fight loneliness (via BYNT)
Like the song says, you’ve got to have friends. Ageing tends to erode our social networks, but women over 60 can develop new, supportive friendships by exploring their interests and experimenting with technology.
A holiday for people needing care (via BYNT)
Recently re-opened in brand new premises, BaptistCare’s Willmette facility in Kellyville makes it possible for local woman Marzieh Brentnall and her 83-year-old mum Olga to both get a holiday.
Stay connected, stay healthy through social contact (via BYNT)
Remaining socially connected takes a little extra work as we age. But aged care research shows keeping in touch with the community through clubs and other activities is closely linked to living a healthy and happy life.
The secret to living at home longer (via BYNT)
Home really is where the heart is. And by taking a few simple steps and accessing appropriate Home Care, many older Australians can live comfortably and safely in their own homes.
Winter health guide (via BYNT)
Winter is a magical time of year: crisp blue skies, frost-tipped grass, nature in waiting. The colder weather is a great chance to snuggle down and get cosy, but the cooler, darker days can also present a number of health challenges for older people. Follow these five tips to keep yourself or an older loved one warm, safe and healthy this winter.
Aged Care Tips: How Older Men Can Make New Friends (via BYNT)
Having good mates that you can rely on is important at any age, but as men grow older strong female and male friendships are the key to staying healthy and happy. Here are five ways older men can make – and keep – new friends.
OT for people living with dementia (via BYNT)
A diagnosis of dementia needn’t spell the end of an individual’s independence. Occupational therapy can keep people in their own homes for longer with a high quality of life, explains BaptistCare aged care expert Nicole Donohoo.
What is a marine protected area? (WWF)
Never before in human history have the world’s oceans and the creatures that live in them been under greater stress. With the human population of the Earth now topping seven billion, fish are being harvested for the table in record numbers, with many species being hunted to extinction.
What is climate change? (WWF)
The climate of the Earth is made up of all the various regional climates put together. It has changed throughout the planet’s 4.5-billion-year history, with conditions becoming warmer or cooler at various times in the past. However scientific observations now show that the Earth’s climate has changed very rapidly in the last 100 years or so – climbing by a little under 1 °C.