Smart Plus Academy website copy (Via obii.mobi)
Fallon Dasey reworked and created the copy for the new Smart Plus Academy website.
ENE.HUB website copy (Via obii.mobi)
Fallon Dasey provided the copy for the new website for ENE.HUB.
SKF Pulley Bearing Catalogue (SKF)
Fallon Dasey provided writing and editing services for the new SKF pulley bearing catalogue.
Axel Johnson Annual Report section (via Appelberg)
Fallon Dasey provided content for one of the sections of the Axel Johnson Annual Report via partner agency Appelberg.
Shark Ground Engaging Tools brochure (Sandvik)
Fallon Dasey helped create the Shark GET brochure for mining technology company Sandvik Australia. Services included editing, design and layout.
Mobile Refuelling Station brochure (Sandvik)
Fallon Dasey provided creative services, edited and created copy, and laid out the Sandvik MRS Brochure.
PiiA Report translation (via Frangkle)
Fallon Dasey provided Swedish-to-English translation services for a report for Swedish automation peak body PiiA.
Sandvik Rock Drill Servicing (Sandvik)
Fallon Dasey has provided a range of films to promote the high-quality service provided by Sandvik workshops.
Artist Voices Report (SSI)
Fallon Dasey provided creative services, edited, designed and laid out the SSI Artist Voices Report. The 10-page report looked at the impacts of COVID-19 on participants in SSI's Arts & Culture program.