Chesterton slurry pump white paper
Fallon Dasey created a white paper on slurry pump seals for global seals company AW Chesterton.
Chesterton mining white paper
Fallon Dasey created a white paper on mining cylinder seals for global seals company AW Chesterton.
Chesterton wastewater white paper
Fallon Dasey provided writing, design and layout services to create a white paper on wastewater plants for global seals company AW Chesterton.
Translate report on international standards (via Frangkle)
Fallon Dasey provided Swedish-to-English translation services for a report for Swedish automation peak body PiiA.
IndTech 2021 translation (via Frangkle)
Fallon Dasey provided Swedish-English translation services, editing and layout for the IndTech 2021 report produced by industrial automation body PiiA.
Increase productivity with GET white paper (CR Mining)
Fallon Dasey wrote the copy for the 12-page CR Mining white paper Increase Mine Site Productivity with GET.
PiiA Report translation (via Frangkle)
Fallon Dasey provided Swedish-to-English translation services for a report for Swedish automation peak body PiiA.
Artist Voices Report (SSI)
Fallon Dasey provided creative services, edited, designed and laid out the SSI Artist Voices Report. The 10-page report looked at the impacts of COVID-19 on participants in SSI's Arts & Culture program.
Australian Mining 2030 white paper (WesTrac)
Fallon Dasey provided the written content for Towards 2030, a 4000-word white paper by Caterpillar equipment dealer WesTrac. Services included interviews, writing and review rounds.